Self-Portrait (detail; 1887), Vincent van Gogh.

Van Gogh Self-Portraits

Fifteen paintings at the Courtauld Gallery shine a light on the artist’s intense self-scrutiny over the course of his short career

27 Jan 2022
Harry Bertoia (detail; c. 1970s). Photo: courtesy Harry Bertoia Foundation

Harry Bertoia: Sculpting Mid-Century Modern Life

The American artist excelled in the fields of jewellery, furniture design and even public sculpture, as this survey at the Nasher proves

21 Jan 2022
Study for Bullfight No. 1 (detail; 1969), Francis Bacon.

Francis Bacon: Man and Beast

The Royal Academy relates the artist‘s obsessive study of animal forms to his distortions of the human figure

21 Jan 2022
Three ensembles by Yves Saint Laurent from 1992.

Yves Saint Laurent aux Musées

Six museums in Paris celebrate the breadth and depth of the fashion designer’s appreciation of French culture

21 Jan 2022
The Blue Boy (1770; detail), Thomas Gainsborough. Huntington Library, Art Museum and Botanical Gardens, San Marino.

Gainsborough’s Blue Boy

A painting that was once a household name in Britain returns to the National Gallery for the first time in a century

21 Jan 2022
A mounted man hunting birds with a falcon (early 18th century), Kishangarh, Rajasthan state, India, Mughal dynasty.

Falcons: The Art of the Hunt

This show in Washington, D.C., explores how the art of falconry took wing from the Arab world to China and Byzantium

14 Jan 2022
Les « nouveaux » Clérans, trapézistes (detail; 1946), Gaston Paris.

Gaston Paris, Reporter: Photography on show

The Pompidou celebrates this French photojournalist who once rubbed shoulders with Man Ray and Robert Capa

14 Jan 2022
Black Mesa Landscape, New Mexico/Out Back of Marie’s II, (1930), Georgia O'Keeffe.

Georgia O’Keeffe

The Fondation Beyeler follows the painter’s career over six decades, from early abstractions to desert landscapes

14 Jan 2022

House of Music, Hungary

A vast new complex dedicated to European music past and present opens in the heart of Budapest

14 Jan 2022
White and Black (detail; 1954), Bice Lazzari.

Bice Lazzari: Modernist Pioneer

The painter’s spare, gestural abstract works, not much seen outside Italy, go on display at the Estorick Collection in London

7 Jan 2022
Half-Length Portrait of the Actor Onoe Matsusuke I as Retired Emperor Sutoku in Act Three of the play Kitekaeru Nishiki no Wakayaka (Returning Home in Splendor), Performed at the Nakamura Theater from the First Day of the Eleventh Month, 1780

The Golden Age of Kabuki Prints

The sensational scowls and exaggerated gestures of Japanese kabuki actors were a popular subject for printmakers, as this show in Chicago proves

7 Jan 2022
Studio Party (detail; c. 1924/25), Hermann Scherer.

Hermann Scherer: Grooves and Edges

This show in Basel reveals how the Swiss Expressionist’s late forays into working with wood gave him greater freedom in his final years

7 Jan 2022
Map of Treasure Island, from Robert Louis Stevenson, Treasure Island (1883).

Mapping Fiction

To mark the centenary of the publication of ‘Ulysses’, the Huntington explores how novelists have mapped out their fictional worlds

7 Jan 2022
Static 16 (2008), Tauba Auerbach.

Tauba Auerbach — S v Z

SFMOMA hosts the first museum survey of the San Francisco-born artist, whose work explores the poetry of logical systems

17 Dec 2021
Junya Watanabe (Honeycomb) (2015), Erik Madigan Heck.

Beauty and Style: The History of Fashion Photography

The Hermitage in St Petersburg trains a spotlight on how fashion photography has kept reinventing itself since the 1930s

17 Dec 2021

Bridget Riley: Pleasures of Sight

The Lightbox celebrates the pioneering Op artist’s 90th birthday with this wide-ranging retrospective

17 Dec 2021
(detail; 1936), Rita Angus.

Rita Angus: New Zealand Modernist

A major survey at Te Papa in Wellington reveals how the artist’s crisp style transformed painting in New Zealand

17 Dec 2021
Dining hall from Sanatorium Westend, Purkersdorf (1905), Josef Hoffmann.

Josef Hoffmann: Progress Through Beauty

Vienna’s Museum of Applied Arts presents the largest survey to date of the pioneering modernist designer and architect

10 Dec 2021
Jar (1971), Kamoda Shōji.

Kamoda Shōji: The Art of Change

The Minneapolis Institute of Art presents the first major museum survey of the celebrated ceramicist outside Japan

10 Dec 2021

Life with Art: Benton End and the East Anglian School of Painting and Drawing

At Firstsite in Colchester, students and teachers from the influential art school established by Cedric Morris are reunited through their works

10 Dec 2021
Three sided relief with a scene of weighing the Boston Throne.

Art of Ancient Greece, Rome and the Byzantine Empire

Spanning the beginnings of Greek art and the fall of Constantinople, these galleries at the MFA Boston are reopening after a major renovation

10 Dec 2021
God appearing to Jacob at Bethel

Baroque Brilliance: Drawings and Prints by Giovanni Benedetto Castiglione

The Kunsthaus Zürich takes a close look at the Genoese virtuoso’s fluent draughtsmanship and innovative prints

3 Dec 2021
Detail of a facsimile of a 1791 genealogy of the House of Moctezuma, held in the Archivo General de la Nación in Mexico City. Facsimile (2021) by Tlaoli Ramírez Téllez. Courtesy the artist and LACMA; © Tlaoli Ramírez Téllez

Mixpantli: Space, Time and the Indigenous Origins of Mexico

This display of maps, mirrors and other objects at LACMA marks the 500th anniversary of the fall of Tenochtitlan

3 Dec 2021
In the Times of Harmony

Hue & Cry: French Printmaking and the Debate over Colors

The Clark Art Institute explores the 19th-century disdain for colour printmaking and its reclamation by artists of the fin-de-siècle

2 Dec 2021