Grounded in Clay: The Spirit of Pueblo Pottery

The Metropolitan Museum of Art explores the ancient craft through a Native American perspective

6 Jul 2023
Elbphilharmonie Hamburg (2001–16), Herzog & de Meuron. Photo: © Iwan Baan

Herzog & de Meuron

The Royal Academy in London offers an insight into the Swiss firm’s design process

6 Jul 2023

Ghosts and Demons in Japanese Prints

The Art Institute of Chicago explores the stories behind supernatural characters

6 Jul 2023
Woman sitting in an armchair (1939), Pablo Picasso. Photo: © Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, Nationalgalerie, Museum Berggruen/Jens Ziehe/Succession Picasso/VG Bild-Kunst, Bonn 2023(1939), Pablo Picasso. Photo: © Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, Nationalgalerie, Museum Berggruen/Jens Ziehe/Succession Picasso/VG Bild-Kunst, Bonn 2023

Spanish Dialogues: Picasso Works from the Museum Berggruen visit the Bode-Museum

How the modern painter found in inspiration in classical Spanish artistic traditions

6 Jul 2023
Everyday dress from Gaza or Hebron (detail; 1935–40). Courtesy the Palestinian Museum; photo: Kayané Antreassian

Material Power: Palestinian Embroidery

Kettle’s Yard explores the historical life and contemporary significance of this rich tradition

30 Jun 2023
Growths (detail; 2022), Eva Fàbregas. Photo: Amande Dionne

Eva Fàbregas: Devouring Lovers

The Spanish artist fills the Hamburger Bahnhof with her fleshy sculptural forms

30 Jun 2023

Love Gardens / Forbidden Fruit

An impressive collection of works on paper drawn from the Cleveland Museum of Art’s collections explores humankind’s relationship to nature

30 Jun 2023

Clouds and Light: Impressionism in Holland

The Museum Barberini in Potsdam considers how 19th-century Dutch painters took cues from techniques being developed in France

30 Jun 2023

Acquisitions of the Month: June 2023

A rare 17th-century portrait of a Black woman and a white woman and an illustrated Armenian manuscript are among this month’s highlights

30 Jun 2023

Albrecht Dürer’s material world

Works drawn from the collections at Whitworth Art Gallery in Manchester offer an insight the life and work of the German Renaissance master

23 Jun 2023
Self-Portrait (detail; 1944), Ellsworth Kelly. © Ellsworth Kelly Foundation

Ellsworth Kelly: Portrait Drawings

On the centenary of the artist’s birth, the Art Institute of Chicago looks at a lesser-known aspect of his practice

23 Jun 2023

Valie Export: Retrospective

The trailblazing Austrian performance artist gets her biggest retrospective to date

22 Jun 2023
Unknown Pleasures (2019), Matthew Wong. Courtesy Museum of Fine Arts, Boston; photo: © The Museum of Modern Art/Licensed by SCALA/Art Resource, NY; © 2023 Matthew Wong Foundation/Artists Rights Society (ARS), New York

Matthew Wong: The Realm of Appearances

The painter drew on wide range of influences to create his ethereal landscapes

22 Jun 2023

Reframing Reynolds: A Celebration

The Box in Plymouth celebrates the life and legacy of the Georgian painter on the 300th anniversary of his birth

15 Jun 2023
Ancient Egyptian Couple (c. 1940), William Edmondson. Courtesy the Museum of Everything, London

William Edmondson: A Monumental Vision

The Barnes Foundation in Philadelphia makes a case for enduring relevance of the sculptor’s career

15 Jun 2023

Carrie Mae Weems: Reflections for Now

The Barbican stages the first major UK survey of the American artist’s work

15 Jun 2023
Female bust, ideal portrait of Laura (detail; c. 1490), Francesco Laurana. Kunsthistorisches Museum, Vienna. Photo: © KHM-Museumsverband

In Love with Laura – A Mystery in Marble

The subject of more than 300 love lyrics by the poet Petrarch became a muse to many artists

15 Jun 2023

Christoffel & Kate Bisschop: Longing for the Past

The Fries Museum hopes to restore the reputations of the painter couple who fell into obscurity after their deaths

9 Jun 2023

Art and Artifice: Fakes from the Collection

The Courtauld explores the long history of artistic forgery

9 Jun 2023

Into the Woods: French Drawings and Photographs from the Karen B. Cohen Gift

How 19th-century artists redefined the landscape genre

9 Jun 2023

Queer folk dress

The National Museum in Oslo invites contemporary artists to respond to traditional examples of rural dress

9 Jun 2023

In the studio with… Eriko Inazaki

The Japanese ceramicist enjoys the tranquility of working in an old building surrounded by rice fields – despite the occasional unwanted visitor

7 Jun 2023
The Blues (2022), Sandra Suubi. Courtesy the artist

Liverpool Biennial

The 12th edition of the event tackles the city’s complicated colonial histories

2 Jun 2023
Portrait of an Artist (Pool with Two Figures) (detail; 1972), David Hockney. Image: © David Hockney; photo: Art Gallery of New South Wales/Jenni Carter

Capturing the Moment

The Tate Modern considers how photography and painting have spurred each other to new heights

2 Jun 2023