Gareth Harris is chief contributing editor at the Art Newspaper.

How Gabriele Finaldi is shaping the future of the National Gallery

As the National Gallery prepares for its upcoming bicentenary, its director Gabriele Finaldi discusses his vision for the future

27 Jun 2022

Documenta returns to its radical roots

Jakarta-based artists’ collective ruangrupa’s curatorial vision for the 15th edition of the fair puts a spotlight on artists from the global South

30 May 2022
Meriem Berrada.

The Apollo 40 Under 40 Africa in focus: Meriem Berrada

The artistic director of the Museum of African Contemporary Art Al Maaden explains how the museum has transformed the art scene in Marrakech

28 Sep 2020
Screenshot of Galerie Thaddaeus Ropac’s online viewing room at Art Basel Hong, March 2020.

Are online viewing rooms the future of the art market?

The Covid-19 pandemic has forced art fairs and galleries to move their presentations online – but are virtual viewings here to stay?

8 May 2020
Shoes (detail; 1886), Vincent van Gogh.

Artists’ campaigns for better pay are picking up pace – but will museums take note?

The image of the penniless artist is an economic reality for many. Now some organisations are fighting for change

12 Nov 2018