Still Life with Bottles and a Cowrie Shell, Vincent Van Gogh
Installation view of ‘The Roof Garden Commission: Huma Bhabha, We Come in Peace’ at the Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York.
Sun Tunnels, Nancy Holt
Illustration by Graham Roumieu/Dutch Uncle
Rebuilding of Rylands, Manchester, L.S. Lowry
Nymph of the Spring (ca. 1540), Lucas Cranach the Younger. Courtesy of The San Diego Museum of Art
Daimyo armour (18th century), Japan. Private collection, France.
Beach at Portici (detail; 1874), Mariano Fortuny y Marsal. Meadows Museum, SMU, Dallas
Graham Roumieu/Dutch Uncle
Camillo Borghese (c. 1810), François-Pascal-Simon Gérard. Courtesy of The Frick Collection, New York
Eugene Thaw