Isabelle Kent is the Enriqueta Harris Frankfort curatorial assistant at the Wallace Collection, London.

Saturn (1820–23), Francisco de Goya. Museo del Prado, Madrid

Are Goya’s Black Paintings really the work of a madman?

A new biography of Goya puts paid to the romantic fiction that the Spanish master ended his days isolated and insane

12 Feb 2021
The Return of the Prodigal Son (detail; 1660s), Bartolomé Esteban Murillo.

Bible belters – in praise of Murillo’s Prodigal Son paintings

The six paintings have long languished in relative obscurity. Restored and on view in Dublin, they are finally getting their due

3 Aug 2020
Triptych of the Virgin of Montserrat (detail; c. 1470–75), Bartolomé Bermejo.

An itinerant Iberian master – Bartolomé Bermejo at the National Gallery, reviewed

A small but dazzling display offers viewers in the UK a rare glimpse of a painter who fused Spanish and Flemish influences

25 Jun 2019
The Penitent Saint Jerome (detail; c. 1650), Bartolomé Esteban Murillo. Museo del Prado

It’s time to return Murillo to the canon of the greats

A year in celebration of the Spanish baroque painter in Seville has made a clear case for his talent and influence

25 Jan 2019