Chip Colwell is senior curator of anthropology at the Denver Museum of Nature & Science, and author of Plundered Skulls and Stolen Spirits: Inside the fight to reclaim Native America's culture (University of Chicago Press; March 2017).

Red-on-buff plate with a bird holding a fish in its beak, c. 900–1150, Sacaton, Arizona. Arizona State Museum

The ancient heritage at risk from Trump’s border wall

With ‘controlled blasting’ underway in a national monument area in Arizona, cultural sites and their attendant artefacts may be lost forever

20 Feb 2020
Dance Mask (detail; c. 1900), unrecorded artist, Yup'ik, Alaska. Promised gift of Charles and Valerie Diker. Photo: Dirk Bakker

Native American art hasn’t changed, but museums have

The Metropolitan Museum is finally showing Native art in its American galleries. This is important, but only as a reflection on museums themselves

21 Apr 2017