Apollo Magazine

Robin Peckham

27, Curator and editor, Beijing, China

Robin Peckham

Curator and editor, Beijing, China

Robin Peckham is in the unusual position, for someone who was born and educated in the US, of having approached contemporary art from a Chinese perspective from the very beginning of his career. After graduating from Brown, his first job was as a director at the Boers-Li Gallery in Beijing, before he moved to Hong Kong and founded the Society for Experimental Cultural Production (with Venus Lau) and, in 2011, Saamlung, a contemporary art gallery space that remained open until 2013. In 2014 he co-curated the major survey show ‘Art Post-Internet’ at the Ullens Center for Contemporary Art, Beijing, and he was also editor-in-chief of LEAP magazine from 2014 until this year.

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