Apollo Magazine

Jessie Kleemann: Running Time

The Greenlandic artist has spent three decades challenging the colonisation and romanticisation of her homeland

Still from Running Time (2023), Jessie Kleemann. Photo: Christian Brems

Jessie Kleemann uses video, theatre and performance art to explore Inuit culture, colonisation and environmental issues, while challenging cultural stereotypes. This exhibition at the Statens Museum for Kunst in Copenhagen (24 August–26 November) delves into the complex relations between Greenland, where Kleemann was born and raised, and Denmark, which governed her homeland for more than two centuries. It also considers issues of tourism and climate change, as seen in works such as Running Time (2023), which features a modern-day dog sleigh pulled along through a landscape in which the ice is visibly melting. Find out more on SMK’s website.

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ORSOQ (2012), Jessie Kleemann. SMK. Photo: Frida Gregersen

Oil and amulets (2019), Jessie Kleemann. Greenland National Museum & Archives. Photo: Jakob Skou-Hansen/SMK

Kinaasunga (1988), Jessie Kleeman. Photo: Ebbe Quist

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