Apollo Magazine

Isa Genzken: 75/75

The Neue Nationalgalerie in Berlin marks the sculptor’s birthday with a number of works that match her years

Untitled (2018), Isa Genzken. Courtesy Galerie Buchholz; © VG Bild-Kunst, Bonn 2023

Isa Genzken is known for the variety of her practice (largely sculpture and installation art but also takes in video, photography, film and collage), her fearlessness and her difficulty. ‘I think my work is very difficult to understand. Sometimes people do and sometimes they don’t,’ she once told an interviewer. For her 75th birthday the Neue Nationalgalerie in Berlin is honouring the German artist by displaying 75 sculptures made since the 1970s (until 27 November). Highlights include the ten-metre-long Blau-grau-gelbes Hyperbolo ‘Elbe’ (1981), as well as figures from the series Schauspielers (Actors) (2013), which are made from shop mannequins dressed in eccentric garments and accessories. Look out for a specially-commissioned version of Genzken’s aluminium PINK ROSE (2016/2023) outside the museum. Find out more on the Neue Nationalgalerie’s website.

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Untitled (2006), Isa Genzken. Hauser & Wirth, David Zwirner. Courtesy Galerie Buchholz; © VG Bild-Kunst, Bonn 2023

PINK ROSE (2016/2023), Isa Genzken. Fredriksen Family Collection. Photo: Nationalgalerie – Staatliche Museen zu Berlin; courtesy Galerie Buchholz; © VG Bild-Kunst, Bonn 2023

Nofretete – Das Original (2012), Isa Genzken. Photo: Sascha Fuis; courtesy Galerie Buchholz/VG Bild-Kunst

Untitled (2018), Isa Genzken. Courtesy Galerie Buchholz; © VG Bild-Kunst, Bonn 2023

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