Apollo Magazine

Grayson Perry: Smash Hits

The Royal Scottish Academy in Edinburgh stages the largest solo exhibition of the artist’s work to date

The Upper Class At Bay (detail; 2012), Grayson Perry. Courtesy the artist and Victoria Miro; © Grayson Perry

Over a 40-year career, Grayson Perry has become a much-loved public figure, won numerous awards for his ornate, witty vessels and presented documentaries on subjects as diverse as masculinity and Englishness. For the Turner Prize-winning artist’s largest solo exhibition to date, more than 80 tapestries, ceramics, prints and paintings are going on show at the Royal Scottish Academy in Edinburgh (22 July–12 November). This career-spanning exhibition ranges from early explorative works to recent large-scale tapestries – from Kinky Sex (1983), a plate potted during the first week of evening classes taken while still an aspiring artist, to the Hogarthian tapestry series Vanity of Small Differences (2012). Look out for new work created for this outing, which includes irreverent reinterpretations of medieval beer flagons. Find out more on the National Galleries of Scotland website.

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Personal Creation Myth (2007), Grayson Perry. Courtesy the artist and Victoria Miro; © Grayson Perry

Cocktail Party (1989), Grayson Perry. Courtesy the artist and Victoria Miro; © Grayson Perry

The Upper Class At Bay (2012), Grayson Perry. Courtesy the artist and Victoria Miro; © Grayson Perry

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