Apollo Magazine

Every Ocean Hughes: Alive Side

The multimedia artist brings comedy to grave matters in a four-part presentation at the Whitney in New York

Still from One Big Bag (2021), Every Ocean Hughes. Courtesy the artist

The multimedia artist brings humour to grave matters in this four-part presentation at the Whitney Museum of American Art, New York (14 January–2 April 2023). It includes a commissioned performance piece, which tells a mythic story about characters who are able to cross into the underworld and back – the latest in a series of works inspired by the artist’s experience of training in death care. The exhibition also includes black-and-white photographs from Hughes’s ongoing series The Piers Untitled (2010–23), which considers the piers on the west side of Manhattan as memorials to the marginalised communities that once occupied this stretch of unregulated waterfront. Find out more on the Whitney’s website.

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From the series The Piers Untitled (2010–23), Every Ocean Hughes. Courtesy the artist.

From the series The Piers Untitled (2010–23), Every Ocean Hughes. Courtesy the artist.

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