
Review: Agostino Bonalumi at Mazzoleni Art, London

Bonalumi was a pivotal figure in post-war Italian abstraction; finally he’s getting the attention he deserves

9 Feb 2015

Fig-2 at the ICA: a rehashed pop-up exhibition that somehow works

Fifty exhibitions in as many weeks; this revival of the ‘fig-1’ project from 15 years ago is a surprising success

8 Feb 2015

Muse Reviews: 8 February

Christian Marclay at White Cube; ‘Self’ at Turner Contemporary; Piero di Cosimo at the NGA Washington; Jeremy Gardiner at Victoria Art Gallery

8 Feb 2015

‘Jeremy Gardiner: Jurassic Coast’ at the Victoria Art Gallery

The most striking of these works are the ones that resist the temptation to represent, that refuse to be too literal about the littoral

5 Feb 2015

‘Never Surrender’ – Luc Tuymans speaks out at his London show

Tuymans made his thoughts about Belgian copyright law known at his exhibition opening last week

4 Feb 2015

Great genius: Piero di Cosimo at the National Gallery of Art, Washington

It’s tempting to focus on the big loans, but the star of this particular show was in Washington all along

4 Feb 2015

Honesty or artifice? Self-portraits at Turner Contemporary

Female artists are well represented in this show; a deliberate strategy that prompts a more critical questioning of the genre

3 Feb 2015

Does Christian Marclay hit the right note at White Cube?

‘Surround Sounds’ is excellent, but not all of Marclay’s latest work lives up to the hype

3 Feb 2015

Muse Reviews: 1 February

Flesh and sex – the legacies of Rubens and Sade; two views of the 20th century’s torn and tattered art; and the story of Lancashire’s philanthropic industrialists

1 Feb 2015

Jenny Saville rethinks the ‘Rubenesque’ at the Royal Academy

‘La Peregrina’ is like a dip in icy water after Rubens’ opulent works

27 Jan 2015

Discovery of desire: Sade at the Musée d’Orsay

Libertine, criminal, aristocrat, revolutionary, and prolific author – the Marquis de Sade continues to inspire some great art and exhibitions

25 Jan 2015

Muse Reviews: 25 January

The Hudson River School at LACMA; self-portraits at Turner Contemporary; Conscience & Conflict at Pallant House; Poliakoff at Timothy Taylor

25 Jan 2015

Review: ‘Conscience and Conflict’ at Pallant House Gallery

The Spanish Civil War had a huge impact on the life and work of many British artists

22 Jan 2015

Review: Poliakoff’s late paintings at Timothy Taylor Gallery

Timothy Taylor Gallery presents the first solo UK presentation of the artist’s works in over 50 years

21 Jan 2015

East meets West: The Hudson River School at LACMA

The New-York Historical Society has sent a spectacular group of landscape paintings to LACMA this winter

19 Jan 2015

Muse Reviews: 18 January

‘Unseen’ at the Courtauld Gallery; Blake at the Ashmolean; Moroni at the Royal Academy; and sculptors’ drawings in Boston

18 Jan 2015

Illuminating and frustrating: William Blake at the Ashmolean Museum

There can be little argument with the quality of the works; but there is, to put it mildly, a lot to take in

15 Jan 2015

Fresh faces: Moroni at the Royal Academy

The Royal Academy’s exhibition presents Moroni’s portraits in their wider context

13 Jan 2015

Unknown Dimensions: ‘Sculptors’ Drawings from Renaissance Italy’

An exhibition of drawings by Renaissance sculptors provides valuable insights into both mediums

12 Jan 2015

Muse Reviews: 11 January

Toulouse-Lautrec at MoMA; Shostakovich’s ballet at GRAD; Walid Raad in Hamburg; and photographs at the Science Museum

11 Jan 2015

Dual Identity: ‘Postface’ by Walid Raad at Sfeir-Semler Gallery

Two of Raad’s career-defining projects reveal the balance of rigorous research and subtle wit that informs his work

9 Jan 2015