
The BBC’s Big Painting Challenge is not the publicity British art needs

Is it better to throw in your lot with dozens of other Sunday painters than go to art school?

12 Mar 2015

American painting in Paris: the Louvre’s focus on US still-lifes

The genre took a while to catch on in America, but when artists did take up still-life painting they made it their own

11 Mar 2015

Feminine Critique: Niki de Saint Phalle at the Guggenheim Bilbao

From shooting pictures to colourful ‘Nanas’, Saint Phalle’s work tackles feminist issues head on

8 Mar 2015

Muse Reviews: 8 March

John Gerrard’s bleak vision of technological evolution; photography and human rights; and the forgotten master of still life, Henri de Fromantiou

8 Mar 2015

The View from Earth: John Gerrard at Thomas Dane

As a study in hyperreality, John Gerrard’s digital reconstruction of a Google data farm is utterly unnerving

5 Mar 2015

Muse Reviews: 1 March

On Kawara at the Guggenheim New York; Mariana Castillo Deball at the Hamburger Bahnhof, Berlin; Leon Underwood at Pallant House; Mackintosh at RIBA

1 Mar 2015

Review: ‘Human Rights Human Wrongs’ at The Photographers’ Gallery

Can photography influence social and political events, or just record them?

28 Feb 2015

Creativity and Constraints: Mackintosh’s architectural drawings at RIBA

RIBA’s Charles Rennie Mackintosh exhibition is very much an architect’s show, consisting almost entirely of architectural drawings and watercolours. Only two…

27 Feb 2015

Mariana Castillo Deball explores the rich history of Berlin

First and foremost Mariana Castillo Deball is a biographer of objects

26 Feb 2015

Review: Isabelle Cornaro at Spike Island

Objects become images, images become objects, in the artist’s latest show

25 Feb 2015

Time, Place, Date: On Kawara’s work at the Guggenheim NYC

On Kawara is famous for his date paintings, but he had other ways of marking and thinking about time

24 Feb 2015

Muse Reviews: 22 February

Recent exhibition reviews and previews; from sultans, to Sturtevant, to salted paper prints…

22 Feb 2015

Now you see her, now you don’t: Sturtevant at MoMA

Last chance to visit New York’s exhibition of conceptual copycat art

20 Feb 2015

The Whitworth reopens

Great art, thoughtful curation and a snazzy café: Manchester’s £15 million redevelopment project is a great success

17 Feb 2015

Review: ‘John Golding: Finding the Absolute’ at Piano Nobile

Golding’s rediscovered abstract paintings are the perfect choice to inaugurate Piano Nobile’s new space

17 Feb 2015

‘Magnificent Obsessions’, magnificent show

From teaware to taxidermy: the Barbican’s exhibition is a fascinating insight into artists’ collecting habits

16 Feb 2015

Muse Reviews: 15 February

Jacob Epstein’s babies, revolutionary calendars, Madame Cézanne, and a suitcase full of pictures

15 Feb 2015

‘Lore Krüger: A Suitcase Full of Pictures’ at C/O Berlin

Lore Krüger’s work is a fantastic discovery for the history of photography

13 Feb 2015

Travelling Treasures: The Frick Collection at the Mauritshuis

Masterpieces from New York’s Frick Collection travel to The Hague

12 Feb 2015

The Lady Vanishes: ‘Madame Cézanne’ at the Metropolitan Museum of Art

No pairing of artist and muse was more complicated, ambivalent, or more richly productive

11 Feb 2015

The Postcard Collector

Sophie Hill celebrates the postcard in a series of pop-up displays of pocket-sized art

11 Feb 2015

Pure abstraction: ‘Sotto Voce’ and the appeal of the abstract white relief

London’s Dominique Lévy Gallery looks again at the 20th-century trend

10 Feb 2015

Revolutionary whimsy: ‘Ruth Ewan: Back to the Fields’ at Camden Arts Centre

Is the artist’s latest show anything more than a charming tribute to a failed experiment?

9 Feb 2015

Family Man: the Foundling Museum presents another side to Jacob Epstein

A candid look at the artist’s portraits of his children

9 Feb 2015