
Art Outlook

It’s party week in New York and Venice, but there’s angst in Madrid

7 May 2015

The manipulative imagery of the Bali Nine executions

How art has been used as a pawn in the crisis

6 May 2015

Art and the Election

What have politicians promised; how are artists getting involved; and is anything likely to improve for the culture sector?

6 May 2015

Acquisitions of the Month: April 2015

Pop art for Chicago; a Duchamp archive for Stockholm; and a Dreamhouse for the Dia Art Foundation

4 May 2015

Ed Vaizey and museum professionals face off at pre-election hustings

It might have been an entertaining clash were there not so much at stake

1 May 2015

Michelle Obama’s challenge to museums

The First Lady called on US museums to widen access at the Whitney’s ribbon-cutting ceremony

1 May 2015

Changing of the guard: who will lead the UK’s museums?

Young and international: is a new type of director coming to London?

1 May 2015

Art Outlook

Cultural sites severely damaged in Nepal; major fire rips through Clandon Park; Museum of Biblical Art forced to close in New York

30 Apr 2015
The National Trust is launching an international design competition to restore Clandon Park, the 18th century Palladian house that was gutted by fire in 2015

Major blaze rips through Clandon Park

The great Palladian country house in Surrey has been very badly damaged

30 Apr 2015

How extensive is the cultural damage in Nepal?

Unesco World Heritage sites are severely damaged, but reconstruction might be an option

30 Apr 2015

Vote Art! Why artists are getting involved in the UK election

Does art have an important role to play in the upcoming UK election? Perhaps

28 Apr 2015

Art Outlook: 24 April

Yet another UK museum director departs; New York goes wild for the Whitney; and the Guggenheim has designs on Helsinki…

24 Apr 2015

King’s College London is ripping down London’s history

Those behind the plans either don’t understand what makes this a great city, or don’t care

24 Apr 2015

Packing a Punch: Ten highlights from the London Original Print Fair

Modern and contemporary works steal the show this year

23 Apr 2015

Museums have finally woken up to the potential of 3D printing

3D prints are the new plaster casts

22 Apr 2015

Stamping down on the students: has the UK’s largest art school gone too far?

Students are asking legitimate questions about the future of art schools: UAL should listen

17 Apr 2015

Art Outlook: 16 April

IS demolishes the ancient city of Nimrud; Günter Grass dies aged 87; art trumps privacy in US court ruling; and don’t mention the Elgin Marbles

16 Apr 2015

The destruction of Nimrud is a crime against humanity

Islamic State has posted a video online that appears to show the destruction of the Assyrian city

14 Apr 2015

Baltic Diary: April

What is the relationship between art and the city?

13 Apr 2015

Art Outlook: 10 April

British Museum bids farewell to Neil MacGregor; MFA Boston names its next director; plus, should there be a time limit on restitution claims?

10 Apr 2015

How Neil MacGregor saved the British Museum

The retiring director is one of the great museum leaders in history

8 Apr 2015

Art Outlook: 3 April

Tate Britain director and RA curator head for Europe; LACMA teams up with Hyundai; the UK’s fight to keep an ancient Egyptian statue continues; plus our favourite April Fools

3 Apr 2015

Acquisitions of the Month: March 2015

Hundreds of Asian art objects go to the Met and the MIA; the world’s most expensive work by a woman artist turns up in Bentonville; and LACMA announces a major partnership

31 Mar 2015

Art Outlook: 26 March

National Gallery gets a gift; MoMA under criticism; stolen El Greco work restituted; and a last ditch attempt to save a Brutalist estate in east London

26 Mar 2015