Apollo Magazine

Benjamin Williams Leader: A Homecoming

The Victorian painter’s idyllic landscapes return to the county that inspired them

February Fill Dyke (detail;1881), Benjamin Williams Leader. Birmingham Museum Photo: Birmingham Museums Trust

The landscapes of Worcestershire provided rich inspiration for Benjamin Williams Leader; his paintings are replete with scenic farmhouses, country lanes and sweeping fields. This exhibition at Worcester Art Gallery and Museum (14 January–25 February) pays tribute to the artist’s romantic portrayal of his local surroundings. February Fill Dyke (1881), on loan from the Birmingham Museums Trust, is the centrepiece of the show. Depicting a water-logged field at sunset, February Fill Dyke became one of Williams Leader’s most popular works and takes its name from an old country rhyme which refers to heavy rain or snow filling the ditches in wintertime. Find out more on the Worcester Art Gallery and Museum’s website.

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The Smooth Severn Stream (1886), Benjamin Williams Leader. Courtesy of Worcester City Collection

February Fill Dyke (1881), Benjamin Williams Leader. Photo: Birmingham Museums Trust

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