Apollo Magazine

Bellum et Artes: Saxony and Central Europe in the Thirty Years War

A display in Dresden explores how artists fared in a turbulent era

Allegory of War (1628), Peter Paul Rubens.

Allegory of War (1628), Peter Paul Rubens. Photo: © The Princely Collections, Vaduz-Vienna

As Europe was rent by war in the 17th century, artists were forced into exile and works plundered. This exhibition at the Residenzschloss, Dresden, presents the results of an international research project fleshing out our knowledge of how artists fared in the turbulent era. Works in display include paintings by the likes of Rubens that communicate the horrors of the conflict; objet d’arts and other precious items that were looted from princely collections; and a selection of weapons and armour from the period. The exhibition runs from 8 July–4 October; find out more from the Dresden State Art Collections website.

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Field Armour of Elector Johann George II. Photo: © Staatliche Kunstsammlungen Dresden, Rüstkammer

Vessel of Mantuan onyx (c. 54 AD), Roman. Photo: © Herzog Anton Ulrich-Museum Braunschweig

Death on a Battlefield (c. 1646), Stefano della Bella. Photo: Andreas Diesend; © Staatliche Kunstsammlungen Dresden, Kupferstich-Kabinett

Tactus – Allegory of Feeling (1636), Georg Pfründt. Photo: © Bayerisches Nationalmuseum, München

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