Thomas Marks is an associate fellow of the Warburg Institute, London.

The homepage of Art UK, which was launched today (24 February 2016)

With Art UK, Britain’s public collections are more accessible than ever before

A new website revolutionises how we can view publicly owned art

24 Feb 2016

Titles of artworks can obstruct how we interpret artistic meaning

But changing an artwork’s title is hardly the same as pulling down a statue

1 Feb 2016

12 Days: Highlights of 2016

Thomas Marks on Sicily at the British Museum and Ashmolean, Vittorio Cini’s paintings from the Veneto, and the Parma School in Rome

26 Dec 2015

It is more important than ever to protect our museums

‘It is more important than ever to defend museums and what they make possible’

21 Dec 2015

The BBC should know better about university museums

A misleading story reflects a deeper problem in how museum news is reported in the general press

14 Dec 2015

Art critics have ignored the condition of artworks for too long

Judging the quality of a work should involve some appreciation of its current condition

30 Nov 2015

It is hard to overstate the gravity of the Castelvecchio thefts

The loss of 17 masterpieces is a disaster for the Italian museum sector

25 Nov 2015

Apollo Awards Ceremony

The winners of the Apollo Awards 2015 were announced last night at a ceremony at RSA House in London, attended by major figures from the art world

24 Nov 2015

Editor’s Letter: Spirituality in Modern Art

The Palazzo Strozzi’s ‘Divine Beauty’ exhibition presents a complex and engaging vision of modern sacred art

23 Oct 2015

Editor’s Letter: Out of Chaos

As Europe faces its worst refugee crisis since World War Two, there is no better time to celebrate emigre art in the UK

26 Sep 2015

German art historian Hartwig Fischer named British Museum director

The appointment will come as a surprise to many people in the UK

25 Sep 2015

Force of Nature: Interview with Giuseppe Penone

‘If an artistic language is very complex, it can’t be used to communicate.’

19 Sep 2015
Cold weather forces precautionary measures at Pinacoteca di Brera

Italy’s ‘super directors’ – the winners and losers

20 new museum directors have been appointed as part of Dario Franceschini’s overhaul of Italy’s cultural sector

19 Aug 2015

Editor’s Letter: A Guarded View

Industrial action at the National Gallery puts a spotlight on the role of the museum guard

17 Aug 2015

Tate Britain appoints Alex Farquharson as new director

What should we expect from Tate Britain’s new director, and what does his appointment mean for the future of the Tate overall?

29 Jul 2015
Ai Weiwei shows the world his passport via Instagram.

Ai Weiwei’s returned passport is a coup for the RA

What will the freedom to travel mean for his art?

22 Jul 2015

The Accademia in Venice is falling to pieces

I cannot remember seeing a museum building in such an appalling state

21 Jul 2015

Editor’s Letter: Scuppered Plans

Public pressure can have a tangible impact on unpopular development proposals

19 Jun 2015

Editor’s Letter: Anniversary Years

Clusters of centenary exhibitions and publications may well bring new material to light. But what do they tell us about the way we think now?

1 Jun 2015

King’s College London is ripping down London’s history

Those behind the plans either don’t understand what makes this a great city, or don’t care

24 Apr 2015

A new Whitney for New York

The Whitney Museum of American Art is moving downtown, and its director Adam D. Weinberg has big plans for the new building and the collection

23 Apr 2015

Editor’s Letter: Will any UK politicians speak up about culture?

Politicians seem to be observing a blanket silence on the subject. Why?

22 Apr 2015

Editor’s Letter: The cultural desecration of Iraq

As Iraq and its heritage suffer, we must seek out and celebrate the great Assyrian artefacts in our own museum collections

29 Mar 2015
Smithfield Market, London.

The Museum of London is Good News for Smithfield Market

Move should improve the museum and protect Smithfield fabric

27 Mar 2015