Digby Warde-Aldam is a freelance writer based in Paris.

No Alternative?

There are noble ideals (and some interesting artists) at work, but The Other Art Fair and Moniker’s crowded display doesn’t give the art a chance

21 Oct 2013

Multiple Choice

With some excellent editions and a spacious layout, Multiplied at Christie’s South Kensington is a welcome respite from a frenetic week

20 Oct 2013

Note PAD

PAD London continues to diversify, and there’s plenty to tempt visitors during this busiest of weeks

19 Oct 2013

S is for Spin-Off

Damien Hirst’s ABC book is cynical and culturally pointless, but it might just make a valuable impression regardless

14 Oct 2013

Fourth Plinth: A Taster

Six shortlisted artists have cooked up their plans for London’s Fourth Plinth

29 Sep 2013

Revolutionary Richmond?

The view from Richmond Hill has changed little since Turner brought landscape out from the background of British painting

15 Sep 2013


‘Les aventures de la vérité’ is a good opportunity squandered at the hands of Bernard-Henri Lévy

11 Sep 2013

Chickening Out

Katharina Fritsch’s blue cock should be commended for attracting genuine public interest without resorting to shock tactics beyond a bad pun

4 Sep 2013

Review: Inside Out

The Royal Academy’s exhibition devoted to Richard Rogers is justifiably – but perhaps excessively – ambitious

1 Sep 2013